Christelle Loury is a french singer

Christelle Loury is a french singer and song-writer who created tributes to Edith Piaf, Juliette Gréco, Barbara, Paris and other great French performers. She sings in France and in the world.
Christelle Loury Concert in Kaliningrad (2019)
Christelle Loury in Kaliningrad (2019)

She started singing when she was 19

Christelle Loury started singing when she was 19. She sang great French and international songs with her musicians. She took acting and singing lessons at the Conservatoire.
Christelle Loury
Smiling and natural

International tour

In 2012, Christelle Loury successfully created her tribute to Edith Piaf. Then she went to sing in Ukraine, New York, Poland, Belgium, Monaco and 6 tours in Russia.
Christelle Loury in New York (2015)
Christelle Loury in New York (2015)

Christelle Loury and the public

Christelle Loury is an affectionate and charismatic artist. She always likes to meet her public at the end of concerts.
Christelle Loury et son public
Photos, selfies, autographs, flowers for Christelle Loury

Christelle Loury is a songwriter

In 2018, Christelle Loury sang her first compositions in concert with her 4 musicians.
She performs one of her compositions in concert
She performs one of her compositions in concert (2018)
Christelle Loury with her 4 musicians
Christelle Loury with her 4 musicians

Parents and partners of Edith Piaf and Barbara

Christelle Loury met parents of Edith Piaf and people who worked with Edith Piaf and Barbara (Charles Dumont, Gérard Depardieu, Marcel Cerdan Junior, Huguette Cerdan, Hugues Vassal, Catherine Lamboukas…)
Кристель Лури с Шарлем Дюмон (Композитор песни: Нет, я не сожалею ни о чем и Боже мой) и Жераром Депардье (Друг барбары)
Christelle Loury with Charles Dumont (Last composer of Edith Piaf) and with Gérard Depardieu (Friend of Barbara)

VIP and model

Christelle Loury has become a VIP in her department and she was also the model for the creation of a bust of Marianne.
Кристель Лоури с Нацерой Кайноу, которая сделала статуэтку (2017)
Christelle Loury with the artist (Nacèra Kainou) who created the bust of Marianne (2017)

Medal of the Society for the Encouragement of Progress

Christelle Loury received the Silver Medal for her contribution to the promotion of the French language in the world and for international cultural relations (Paris / 2019)
Кристель Лури с ее медалями, другими личностями и Жан-Пьером Раффарином, бывшим премьер-министром Франции (Париж / 2019)
Christelle Loury with other personalities who received the medal (including the former Prime Minister of France)